Thursday, January 15, 2009

To Blog, or Not to Blog?

To Blog, or Not to Blog,
that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler
in the mind to
the slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms
against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them?

Since I began this blog back in 2006, my efforts have seemed to wane
From an excited high of 101 posts in the first year, to 59 in 2007 and only 39 in 2008, the fun, controlled chaos initially intended, as a lighthearted aside to my formal website has slipped. Blaming busy conditions as an out, as many photographers (and bloggers, in general) use to push aside complacency in their efforts, is not something I want to use. I feel I have to look at the reason for carrying out this often time consuming venture and bring it back into a regular production and consumption asset to Lucid Musings.
It's official...we're back...
and I intend
on making this blog even better than first intended. In 2009, I will be not only blogging about my numerous shoots and business developments, but also adding my personal flavour with anecdotes of music, travel and family, making the experience once again a regular event and whats more, a celebration of the passion that drives Lucid Musings Photo.

Stayed Tuned...

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