Saturday, November 25, 2006

Janice and Wayne's Chilly Wedding Party Outing

Another October wedding, another sub-10 degree day (with the wind..close to sub-5). As was the fall of 2006...but wasn't raining! After doing family and Bride/Groom shots at the Stratford Golf and Country Club, we headed to the Hathaway Nursing Home, who graceously allowed us to use their facility as an alternate indoor location. After doing some shots on the floor, on the stairwell and in the poolroom (pool table, that is), I insisted we brave the elements and venture outside. It is not that I am adverse to staying warm, and keeping my clients warm (I should note, we took consensus-I am not a 'my way, or the highway' type of photographer- I believe working together is a key to success now and success down the road-no client likes being pushed I keep it fun:-), it is just that the outdoors really broadens the options. I am big on using the location, the scenery and the surroundings in my work, rather than simply focus in on the subject. Not to say I don't do this, I save most of my cropped in close up work for indoor wedding hall shots when you don't really want to see the background in many cases.
With only 45 minutes to spare and potential rain on the horizon, I decided that the nearby rail yard would make a perfect (and unique) setting where we could get the one of a kind shots I was looking for. Although using VIA RAIL property is technically trespassing, I would think they would see the light in the situation enough to turn a blind eye. At least in a place like Stratford, maybe not Union Station yard in Toronto:-) Again, as with all wedding pictures, thinking on the draw is important and getting a job done fast, but with results is essential. In this situation, it was just a little faster, because of the temperature, location and time constraints....but as you can see, we did it, and most importantly had fun doing it:-) Thanks Wayne and Janice for a wonderful day!

FAQ: Most of these shots where spot metered on the subjects, than I dropped the exposure a stop, so some of the interesting cloud detail would remain (in the ones with clouds). Post processing, I brought up the clouds by burning them in, using a smokeless burn plugin from Kubota Imaging (a great addition to any studio). Shooting my Canon 30d with a 50mm 1.4 lens set at between F4 and F 7.1, depending on the depth of the group shot. The interior stairwell shot was shot with an on camera 580 Ex direct on, and one 580ex, to the right, top of stairs.

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