Friday, March 09, 2007

Winter's Final Hoorah..let's hope:-)

Well this past weekend certainly was a blast from the past. With temperatures in the negative double digits and many schools in the area basically closed (read: no buses) for 4 days straight, I was REALLY glad my 2 weddings where the weekend prior. On Monday, the most exciting night of them all, when every highway was closed and the trains couldn't even leave town, I thought it would be perfect to go for a short walkabout with my son Jaron. He wanted to take his hockey stick to shoot the chunks of snow down the empty streets and it was an image I just had to capture. With the hills of snow, bundled to the top and proudly displaying a fresh gap in his front teeth, to me he was a billboard for what it is to be a child growing up in Anywhere, Canada, ....or a visualization of how many of us are feeling towards more snow this time of year:-)

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